Set on a 110-acre site amidst the beautiful backdrop of Barnstable Harbor and the dunes of Sandy Neck Barrier Beach, Long Pasture offers year-round nature-based programming and classes. Guided kayak tours and aquatic exploration cruises are included, as well as a licensed preschool program that connects ages 3-5 to the nature of Cape Cod. Also featured at the sanctuary are woodland walking meadow trails that traverse a variety of habitats.
In 2020, Long Pasture completed construction of the green-designed net zero Discovery Center, a large multi-functional program space for both youth and adult activities.
Another addition, scheduled for construction in 2023, the Outdoor Teaching Pavilion was conceived to embrace the importance of nature and the outdoors. It will provide schools and other groups the option for a safe, year-round learning environment. The Pavilion will also function as a community resource for other partner organizations, such as health and human services groups, who regularly visit Long Pasture for the social, emotional and mental health benefits of nature.
The TernSOLAR challenge grant supports the installation of two roof-mounted arrays, one on the new Discovery Center and one on the upcoming Outdoor Teaching Pavilion. The combined systems will total 30 kW and is expected to bring the entire sanctuary to net zero.
Grant Amounts:
$78,750 solar array, Discovery Center, 2022
$21,250 solar array, Outdoor Teaching Pavilion, 2023
Matching challenges for our renewable energy initiatives, launched by community leaders, energizes our community not only to contribute financially, but also to act sustainably in their own homes and businesses.